Source code for paco.interval

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
from .decorator import decorate
from .assertions import assert_corofunction

    ensure_future = asyncio.ensure_future
    ensure_future = getattr(asyncio, 'async')

[docs]def interval(coro, interval=1, times=None): """ Schedules the execution of a coroutine function every `x` amount of seconds. The function returns an `asyncio.Task`, which implements also an `asyncio.Future` interface, allowing the user to cancel the execution cycle. This function can be used as decorator. Arguments: coro (coroutinefunction): coroutine function to defer. interval (int/float): number of seconds to repeat the coroutine execution. times (int): optional maximum time of executions. Infinite by default. Raises: TypeError: if coro argument is not a coroutine function. Returns: future (asyncio.Task): coroutine wrapped as task future. Useful for cancellation and state checking. Usage:: # Usage as function future = paco.interval(coro, 1) # Cancel it after a while... await asyncio.sleep(5) future.cancel() # Usage as decorator @paco.interval(10) async def metrics(): await send_metrics() future = await metrics() """ assert_corofunction(coro=coro) # Store maximum allowed number of calls times = int(times or 0) or float('inf') @asyncio.coroutine def schedule(times, *args, **kw): while times > 0: # Decrement times counter times -= 1 # Schedule coroutine yield from coro(*args, **kw) yield from asyncio.sleep(interval) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return ensure_future(schedule(times, *args, **kw)) return wrapper