Source code for paco.apply

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
from .decorator import decorate
from .assertions import assert_corofunction

[docs]def apply(coro, *args, **kw): """ Creates a continuation coroutine function with some arguments already applied. Useful as a shorthand when combined with other control flow functions. Any arguments passed to the returned function are added to the arguments originally passed to apply. This is similar to `paco.partial()`. This function can be used as decorator. arguments: coro (coroutinefunction): coroutine function to wrap. *args (mixed): mixed variadic arguments for partial application. *kwargs (mixed): mixed variadic keyword arguments for partial application. Raises: TypeError: if coro argument is not a coroutine function. Returns: coroutinefunction: wrapped coroutine function. Usage:: task = paco.apply(coro, 1, 2, foo='bar') await task() """ assert_corofunction(coro=coro) @asyncio.coroutine def wrapper(*_args, **_kw): # Explicitely ignore wrapper arguments return (yield from coro(*args, **kw)) return wrapper