Source code for paco.timeout

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
from .decorator import decorate

[docs]def timeout(coro, timeout=None, loop=None): """ Wraps a given coroutine function, that when executed, if it takes more than the given timeout in seconds to execute, it will be canceled and raise an `asyncio.TimeoutError`. This function is equivalent to Python standard `asyncio.wait_for()` function. This function can be used as decorator. Arguments: coro (coroutinefunction): coroutine to wrap. timeout (int|float): max wait timeout in seconds. loop (asyncio.BaseEventLoop): optional event loop to use. Raises: TypeError: if coro argument is not a coroutine function. Returns: coroutinefunction: wrapper coroutine function. Usage:: await paco.timeout(coro, timeout=10) """ @asyncio.coroutine def wrapper(*args, **kw): coro_obj = coro(*args, **kw) return (yield from asyncio.wait_for(coro_obj, timeout, loop=loop)) return wrapper