Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
from .each import each

[docs]def map(coro, iterable, limit=0, loop=None, timeout=None, return_exceptions=False, *args, **kw): """ Concurrently maps values yielded from an iterable, passing then into an asynchronous coroutine function. Mapped values will be returned as list. Items order will be preserved based on origin iterable order. Concurrency level can be configurable via ``limit`` param. This function is the asynchronous equivalent port Python built-in `map()` function. This function is a coroutine. Arguments: coro (coroutinefunction): map coroutine function to use. iterable (iter): an iterable collection yielding coroutines functions. Asynchronous iterables are not supported. limit (int): max concurrency limit. Use ``0`` for no limit. loop (asyncio.BaseEventLoop): optional event loop to use. timeout (int|float): timeout can be used to control the maximum number of seconds to wait before returning. timeout can be an int or float. If timeout is not specified or None, there is no limit to the wait time. return_exceptions (bool): returns exceptions as valid results. *args (mixed): optional variadic arguments to be passed to the coroutine map function. Returns: list: ordered list of values yielded by coroutines Usage:: await, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], limit=3) [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] """ # Call each iterable but collecting yielded values return (yield from each(coro, iterable, limit=limit, loop=loop, timeout=timeout, collect=True))